Tuesday, May 5, 2015


9JASTYLECHANNEL: Full name , Age , School, Course
THOMPSONPHOTOG_: Thompson S Ekong , 19 , Babcock University , Mass communication
9JASTYLECHANNEL: when did you start photography? 
9JASTYLECHANNEL: You've been in this for two years is that enough experience to be called a professional photographer ?
9JASTYLECHANNEL: What made you choose photography ? I mean what inspired you
THOMPSONPHOTOG: I inspired myself
9JASTYLECHANNEL: Okay. Babcockbuniversity and professional photography what has been the challenges
THOMPSONPHOTOG: Babcock university photography  is a smaller field and has a smaller range of perspectives, it's about students and how they understand the world, it's about how they grow with their environment and learn from it. Professional photography is a larger bigger ball game, perspectives change even more and you this time the camera is the one doing the talking cause the environments are all around from once scene to another, it's a different story, with different themes and it's up to you to understand the right way to adapt the story into images.
9JASTYLECHANNEL: Okay. How's the market in your school. Are photographers in demand ? Or you have to struggle with the field being saturated with alot of photographers
THOMPSONPHOTOG: The first question:
Honestly I don't appreciate a lot of school photographers anymore cause they belittle the art of photography. Like everything else, to them it's just a stunt of fame and more Instagram followers. Most of them don't perceive what it means to create "Aesthetic Pauses" that capture moments, feelings, actions perfectly or almost perfectly to be kept frozen in time. That's why I try and push conceptual images a lot so I can send a message about the art, my art of story telling and notions that fight against conformed and simple minded "fame shots" (like i call them) that can easily be created. With that been said, yes the market is saturated but only a few have the keen eye to replicate humanity through the lens. So I'm not really moved or inspired my the large amount of "Fame Photographers" but still it shows that a culture is growing for the love the lens and I'm happy about that. First wave will be the band followers, the next wave will be the true artist.
9JASTYLECHANNEL: if Dominic wants an hour photo session what do you charge ??
THOMPSONPHOTOG: Second Question:
Well, it depends. I'd have to talk to my management and also understand what exactly will be shot within that hour. A lot goes into my process of charging. I don't discuss my financial quotas for charging or prices. When the time comes for me to work with an individual or a project, it will be provided. I'd rather focus on my work and self-growth in my art.
9JASTYLECHANNEL: Booking information? 
9JASTYLECHANNEL: Thanks for you time.

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