I have heard the same-old skin care tips one more time: wear sunscreen, have a derm check your moles once a year, exfoliate twice a week, I am going to scream… As beauty veterans, I am even familiar with the more obscure tips, like patting your moisturizer into your skin instead of rubbing it, or applying urine on your face to fight acne. Bad Skin Habits not only mess up your skin, but some can even wreck your health.
2. Not using oil on your face. But essential oils are anti-bacterial and anti-fungal, so they’re very good at killing bacteria that’s causing the breakouts. Introducing oil to the skin can have the opposite effect and actually slow oil production, making you less shiny. And contrary to popular belief, face oils can even improve acne.
3. Using too much cortisone. It’s easy to forget that cortisone is a type of steroid, and continual long-term use can lead to tachyphylaxis. Overusing cortisone cream also causes collagen to break down, which leads to thinning of the skin and — worst-case scenario — stretch marks.
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